Saturday, March 24, 2012


Again the early season warm weather has me tweaking out for some spring eats and today it is fresh Michigan Steelhead.  As with all my entries I have to put up a disclaimer / rant on the ingredient list and recipe to follow, so here it is.  If after reading this you find yourself in front of the fish counter at your local mega-mart, STOP turn around and go to the freezer section, get yourself some fresh-froze talipa fillets and a box of shake and bake and go home; if you can get to a proper fish market go there and get your fish.  But pleas try and avoid the over priced almost rancid fish of the mega-mart.  If you are lucky enough to have some left in your freezer at home pull it and thaw it, If you have just walked off the stream with a fresh fat one on your stringer may god bless you and everything you do for the rest of the day. 
Ok I have got that out of my system; now take all the seasonings you have in your spice rack and leave them where the are.  A Steelhead fillet should never be molested with things like lemon pepper, paprika, garlic salt,or worse yet lawerys seasoning.  The only things you are going to need are some butter, and a pinch of salt and pepper.  Fish should taste like fish not McCormick spice factory. 

6 ea 6oz steelhead fillets with the skin on
4 Tbls whole unsalted butter
1 pinch each salt and pepper

pre-heat a heavy gauge sautee pan on med-high heat
score the skin of the fillets
dollop 2 Tbls of the butter in the hot pan "butter should not smoke and burn but melt quickly"
place fillets skin side down in hot pan shake pan back and forth twice and let fish cook
season the flesh of the fish with the salt and pepper
after 3 minutes add the rest of the butter and using a spatula turn the fillets over to finish
aprox 2 minutes
remove the fillets from the pan and eat
and yes you can eat the skin I do its great

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